Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 7 February 2024, 5:30pm - West Oxfordshire District Council streaming

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 7th February 2024 at 5:30pm 









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  1. Officer
  2. Officer
  3. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  4. Business Manager
  5. Councillor Andrew Beaney
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  1. Public Speaking
  2. Councillor Andrew Beaney
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  1. Officer
  2. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  3. Councillor Geoff Saul
  4. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  5. Councillor Michele Mead
  6. Officer
  7. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  8. Councillor Rizvana Poole
  9. Officer
  10. Councillor Rizvana Poole
  11. Officer
  12. Councillor Sandra Simpson
  13. Officer
  14. Councillor Alex Wilson
  15. Officer
  16. Councillor Nick Leverton
  17. Officer
  18. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  19. Councillor Rachel Crouch
  20. Officer
  21. Councillor Andrew Beaney
Share this agenda point
  1. Officer
  2. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  3. Councillor Rizvana Poole
  4. Officer
  5. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  6. Councillor Michele Mead
  7. Officer
  8. Councillor Michele Mead
  9. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  10. Councillor Alex Wilson
  11. Officer
  12. Councillor Alex Wilson
  13. Officer
  14. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  15. Officer
  16. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  17. Councillor Nick Leverton
  18. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  19. Councillor Andrew Beaney
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  1. Officer
  2. Officer
  3. Officer
  4. Officer
  5. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  6. Councillor Andrew Prosser
  7. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  8. Councillor Michele Mead
  9. Officer
  10. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  11. Officer
  12. Councillor Andrew Prosser
  13. Councillor Michele Mead
  14. Councillor Andrew Prosser
  15. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  16. Councillor Carl Rylett
  17. Officer
  18. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  19. Officer
  20. Councillor Ruth Smith
  21. Officer
  22. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  23. Councillor Alistair Wray
  24. Officer
  25. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  26. Councillor Alex Wilson
  27. Officer
  28. Councillor Alex Wilson
  29. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  30. Councillor Alex Wilson
  31. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  32. Councillor Ruth Smith
  33. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  34. Officer
  35. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  36. Officer
  37. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  38. Officer
  39. Councillor Andrew Prosser
  40. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  41. Councillor Michele Mead
  42. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  43. Councillor Carl Rylett
  44. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  45. Councillor Alex Wilson
  46. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  47. Councillor Alistair Wray
  48. Councillor Andrew Beaney
Share this agenda point
  1. Officer
  2. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  3. Councillor Nick Leverton
  4. Officer
  5. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  6. Councillor Alex Wilson
  7. Officer
  8. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  9. Councillor Charlie Maynard
  10. Councillor Ruth Smith
  11. Officer
  12. Councillor Ruth Smith
  13. Officer
  14. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  15. Councillor Julian Cooper
  16. Councillor Alistair Wray
  17. Officer
  18. Councillor Alistair Wray
  19. Councillor Charlie Maynard
  20. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  21. Councillor Nick Leverton
  22. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  23. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  24. Officer
  25. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  26. Officer
  27. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  28. Councillor Andrew Beaney
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  1. Business Manager
  2. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  3. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  4. Councillor Andrew Beaney
Share this agenda point
  1. Business Manager
  2. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  3. Councillor Nick Leverton
  4. Business Manager
  5. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  6. Councillor Andrew Beaney
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  2. Councillor Michele Mead
  3. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  4. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  5. Business Manager
  6. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  7. Councillor Ruth Smith
  8. Business Manager
  9. Councillor Ruth Smith
  10. Business Manager
  11. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  12. Councillor Thomas Ashby
  13. Business Manager
  14. Councillor Thomas Ashby
  15. Business Manager
  16. Councillor Thomas Ashby
  17. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  18. Councillor Ruth Smith
  19. Business Manager
  20. Councillor Andrew Beaney
  21. Webcast Finished